Shanda L. Woodin, MSW, RSW is a Canadian licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Brighton, Ontario. She grew up and raised her family on the East Coast, in Nova Scotia.
Her passion as a trauma specialist is working with active serving military and veterans to support a whole gamut of mental health issues, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She has been excited about using Logosynthesis® with clients and for self-coaching for over a decade.
Shanda has trained predominantly in Canada and broadened her development in Switzerland, Germany and Italy embracing the international, multi-cultural environment the summer conferences offer. She is a certified Master Practitioner, Supervisor and also a Trainer in Logosynthesis® who revels in the ever-developing personal and professional growth through this elegant and gentle method of healing with words. She has taught other professionals in Indonesia, Switzerland and Canada. Recently she has expanded her business to teaching Logosynthesis® courses online, which is dynamic, interactive and thrilling to experience its effectiveness over a computer screen!