The Program 2024

Date: from June 30 to July 5

Opening: June 30 at 3 pm

Closing: July 5 after lunch

Location: Hotel Lihn, Filzbach, Switzerland

Teaching Topics

Courage in transition with Astrid Klein-Lankhorst

Introduction to the Presentation of the Logosynthesis Summer Conference 2024

There are times in life when we are confronted with challenging situations because we must leave a known field or role and move into the unknown. Sometimes we feel somehow ready for it at a subconscious level, other times we are just kicked out of a familiar situation.
In the presentation of the Summer Conference 2024 we will explore the transition from one field to another. We will look at the concept of ‘Containers’ and explore the ‘Void’. Both are part of every transition.
Giving up the security and stability of a field or role will reactivate first order dissociation issues. Change will be easier, if we can free the life energy contained in memories, fantasies, beliefs and values. For that it is helpful to explore where we are, identify obstacles on the path, find resources, and neutralize frozen energy.
Being confronted with the unknown brings forth all kinds of emotions to be dealt with. That needs Courage. We will explore this state of Courage. With Courage you can connect to Essence at a new level so that you can go for what is important in your life, even when fear is still there.
*This presentation is inspired by the chapters 9-14 from the book ‘Shaping Reality – Logosynthesis and the Courage to Create,’ by Willem Lammers and Raya Williams